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Welcome To Bar-K Ranch ..... a small mountain community at approximately 8600 ft in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Read More
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Bar-K Ranch Colorado
Jamestowner' s and Bar-Kers-It's Open Enrollment Time Again!
The open enrollment period for Boulder Valley School District is from November 27, 2006 through January 19, 2007 Families interested in having their 07/08 Kindergartener attend Jamestown Elementary instead of their neighborhood school (which for Bar-K is Nederland Elementary) must fill out open enrollment papers and deliver them to the District by January 19, 2007. Please contact Beth Brotherton at Jamestown School 303-449-7051 to schedule a tour of the school and to get the Open Enrollment Packet. Children must be 5 years old by September 30, 2007 to start Kindergarten. No school bus is provided for children who open enroll. |
2002-2003 Jamestown School
They Closed Mapleton Despite The Signs
Jamestown Made It Though